Kimberly makes sure your California Marriage License is properly filed in advance.

A destination wedding has many unique requirements. There are details to consider, such as “How do we obtain our marriage license when we’re out of state??” Your marriage license must be filed correctly for a legal marriage.

Kimberly takes care of that task for you! She has all the necessary paperwork in hand to make sure your license is filed correctly and in the right place.

Things to Know

In order to be married in California:

  • You must obtain a marriage license before your marriage ceremony.

  • Both parties must be at least 18 years of age. Persons under 18 may marry with written consent from one parent and a California Superior Court Judge.

  • In order to obtain your marriage license, both parties must appear in person at the County Clerks Office and must provide valid picture identification. The marriage license can be obtained from any county in California. You are not required to get married in the county where your marriage license was issued.

  • If either party has been married before, you must provide the specific date your last marriage ended and how it was ended.

  • Marriage licenses are valid for 90 days. If you do not get married within 90 days, you must purchase a new license.